As you learn about dominoes and domino games, you’ll likely come across many unfamiliar terms, phrases, and expressions. Like any specialized field of knowledge, dominoes has it’s own lingo that has emerged as the game has evolved over time. The derivation of many of these terms may be obscure or unclear, but they are commonly used in discussions of domino rules and strategy. There are also a number of slang terms that are used to refer to specific tiles or situations in particular games. Welcome To The World Of Ivory League Domino Terminology
3Switchin=15 BigBen=10 BlankBlank=00 Boat=50 Christine=15 Dime=10 Dirty=30 Dubs=20 French Quarters=25 House=50 Iwakuni=20 Nicknack=5 nifty=50 O=10 Quarter=25 RinTintin=10 Tempe AZ=10 Tennessee Toddy I aint trying to hurt nobody=10 TwinTwin-=20 X=10 XO=20
Welcome To The World Of Ivory League Domino Terminology :
Babysitter=Holding on to points/domino Bayou=pass/next play Big 6 to the Board=Lock/New Game Bogus=Bad play Bogus=REnig play Boneyard=domino pull Break Bread=Hand over Money clean the kids=mix the dominos Come see me=next play Dont sing it, bring it= play your game Dont speak the board= Stop talkin Dont trip potatoe chip=I have a counter (play) for you. Game=Game Over Get down how you live= play your play Get Like Me=Can you/make money on board or acknowledge you can/cannot play Get on before you get stole on=You lost get up from the table Get your kids out the street=move domino out of the field of play or to the side Guccie=Good/legal play Heart dont pump no coolaid=I got ammo to counter your move or play Hotter than Fish Grease=Bad play or disrupting play Knock= can not play Knock=pass/next player Lock=Game Locked New N!GGA=New Leader On yo back=Domino game over on you= next play On your knees!= Hand over dominos pull=domino pull Read em and wheep= watch the board Run it=Hand over hand Run up or shut up=play your strategy Shake ‘Em Jake My Hands Ache’= mix doiminos Slow Nickel beats a Fast Dime=Getting points slowly Snake eyes=** Study long study wrong= next play Tevin Cambell=Break the points down Wash Em=Mix dominos Wash The Dishes=mix dominos yoplait/french yogurt=next play You in the bubble=Lowest scorer on the table
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